A Spectacular Spring

A Spectacular Spring

Five Things That Have Got To Go Once You Buy The Property

by Terri Holmes

It's easy enough to forgive the bad design or maintenance choices of a past owner if you are getting a good enough deal on a piece of real estate. But don't make the mistake of buying a property and then getting complacent with the things that aren't quite right. At the very least, consider replacing or renovating these five items.

Ugly, Old Finishes

You may be advised that one of the first things to do when you need to remodel a new home purchase is to take care of the finishes that you dislike. You can immediately give your property a face lift if you choose light and modern finishes. That speaks for things like wall finishes, cabinet facades, and paint colors alike.

Bad Plumbing

Plumbing issues are something to address right away because of the possibility that they will get worse over time. If you can catch a plumbing leak before it becomes an emergency, that is money worth spending. At the least, get a thorough plumbing evaluation so that you know there are no pressing issues to take care of.

Bad Wiring

Bad wiring is a hazard for financial reasons as well. But add to that the possibility that electrical issues will become a health and safety hazard and you have a major maintenance need. Electricians can easily catch wiring issues during a routine inspection. You may also notice these issues yourself if you have buzzing appliances or flickering lights in the house.  

Dead Grass

Treat yourself to a beautiful yard that has succulent grass and a lively variety of garden plants. It makes your home look more appealing to guests as soon as they step foot on the property. A landscape design professional can bring your yard up to snuff and add character to your outdoor space. 

Old Appliances and Fixtures

The last item on this list is older appliances and plumbing fixtures. An old, leaky toilet is not just a nuisance; it will cost you money in terms of operating costs and maintenance needs. An older appliance that is not energy efficient will be frustrating to use, and it will also use up more electricity than it really should. That's why some of your remodel dollars should end up in this category sooner rather than later.

Hopefully you're not left in a position where you have to fix all of these issues as soon as you move in. But this is a great checklist to start with when you're deciding how to make your new home more comfortable and livable.


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A Spectacular Spring

Spring is a breathtakingly beautiful time of the year. During this special season, I adore looking at the beautiful trees, shrubs, and flowers in my front and back yards. Perhaps you want to enhance the appearance of your outdoor property this spring. Consider hiring a professional landscaper to help you accomplish this important task. An expert landscaper can plant fruit trees in your space. For instance, you might want this individual to plant apple, pear, peach, or orange trees on your property. You may also wish for this professional to plant attractive shrubs in front of your home. On this blog, I hope you will discover how a landscaper can help you have a spectacular spring. Enjoy!